Lean on Me Food Donation Program

Lean on Me Food Donation Program

  With the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic, many thousands of people in Phuket’s poorest communities have been left without employment and no means to feed themselves and their families. Together with Villa Market Thailand and the Class Act Media group of...
Toys for Orphans / Christmas Toy Drive

Toys for Orphans / Christmas Toy Drive

  Our students get invited to perform at many Christmas markets and events around the island. We use these performance opportunities for people supporting the live performances, to bring unwanted toys that we collect and donate to the Phuket Has Been Good To Us...
Instruments for Orphans

Instruments for Orphans

We collect musical instruments for the music department at the Yaowawit Orphanage and School. The department has an abundance of talented and enthusiastic music students, but not enough equipment to go around. A few times each year we ask our community to donate...